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Review of "Kazuo Ohno's World: From Without and Within" by Kazuo and Yoshito Ohno
Dance Research Journal (2006)
  • Judy Halebsky
Through lyrical description, tender and personal stories, and an intensely rich collection of photographs, this book opens a window into Kazuo Ohno’s life in dance. Different from much of the writing available in English that focuses on formal qualities, themes, and goals of Butoh, this book centers on the process and personal insight through which Kazuo Ohno makes dance happen. 
  • Kazuo Ohno,
  • Dance
Publication Date
Winter 2006
Citation Information
Judy Halebsky. "Review of "Kazuo Ohno's World: From Without and Within" by Kazuo and Yoshito Ohno" Dance Research Journal Vol. 38 Iss. 1/2 (2006) p. 196 - 199 ISSN: 0149-7677
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