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Review of "Sensational Knowledge: Embodying Culture through Japanese Dance" by Tomie Hahn
Dance Research (2008)
  • Judy Halebsky, Hosei University
In Sensational Knowledge Tomie Hahn explores issues of transmission and the process of learning the Japanese dance form, Nihon Buyo. While the author brings advanced training in ethnomusicology and grounding in performance studies scholarship to her topic, this study is rooted in her own experience of extensive training in the Tachibana school of Nihon Buyo. She interprets the instruction of Nihon Buyo through a cultural knowledge that connects multiple issues of Japanese arts practice, training in performance forms, and contemporary discussions in English on issues of embodied knowledge, transmission and cultural practice.
  • Japanese Dance,
  • Japanese Arts,
  • Tomie Hahn
Publication Date
Summer 2008
Citation Information
Judy Halebsky. "Review of "Sensational Knowledge: Embodying Culture through Japanese Dance" by Tomie Hahn" Dance Research Vol. 26 Iss. 1 (2008) p. 60 - 61 ISSN: 0264-2875
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