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Review of "Marlatt Writes Gracefully into Noh" by Daphne Marlatt
Canadian Literature (2010)
  • Judy Halebsky, Department of Literature and Languages, Dominican University of California
With The Gull, Daphne Marlatt creates a Canadian version of a Japanese Noh play. Produced by Pangaea Arts, The Gull was originally staged by a team of Japanese and Canadian theatre professionals in Richmond, BC in May 2006. The 650- year-old tradition of Noh combines poetry, vocal technique, dance, acting, staging, and music. 
  • Noh,
  • Japanese Poetry,
  • Daphne Marlatt
Publication Date
Winter 2010
Citation Information
Judy Halebsky. "Review of "Marlatt Writes Gracefully into Noh" by Daphne Marlatt" Canadian Literature Vol. 207 Iss. Mordecai Richler Special Issue (2010) p. 156 - 157
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