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Authenticity of the Sign: Travels of a Lahu Song
RSSI. Recherches sémiotiques. Semiotic inquiry (2012)
  • Judith Pine, Western Washington University
This is a paper about a song which requires rather complex semiotic operations to be Lahu. The Wedding Oath song indexes, in different contexts, a desirable modern quality in a pre-modern society, a connection between an ethnic minority group and the modern state which implies obligations toward that ethnic group, and the positive quality of cosmopolitanism as a characteristic of a modern nation state. The nature of authenticity as a feature of these indexical relationships creates the possibility that one might extend Mendoza-Denton’s (2011) concept of “semiotic hitchhiker” to incorporate a non-material feature of a discursive performance.
  • Lahu song,
  • Semiotic hitchhiker
Publication Date
January 1, 2012
Publisher Statement
Tous droits réservés © Association canadienne de sémiotique / Canadian Semiotic Association, 2014
Citation Information
Judith Pine. "Authenticity of the Sign: Travels of a Lahu Song" RSSI. Recherches sémiotiques. Semiotic inquiry Vol. 32 Iss. 1-2-3 (2012) p. 83 - 102
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