On weighing matrices with square weights
Faculty of Informatics - Papers (Archive)
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We give a new construction for a known family of weighing matrices using the 2-adjugate method of Vartak and Patwardhan. We review the existence of W(n,k²), k = 1,.. ,12, giving new results for k = 8,...12.
Citation Information
D G Sarvate and Jennifer Seberry. "On weighing matrices with square weights" (1988) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/jseberry/228/
Sarvate, DG and Seberry, J, On weighing matrices with square weights, Optimization, Design of Experiments and Graph Theory, (M. N. Gopalan and G. A. Patwardhan, (Eds)), Indian Institute of Technology, 1988, Powai, Bombay, 71-76.