Bose's Method of Differences Applied to Construct Bhaskar Rao Designs
Faculty of Informatics - Papers (Archive)
Publication Date
Publication Details
This artice was originally published as Seberry, J, Bose's Method of Differences Applied to Construct Bhaskar Rao Designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 73, 1998, 215-224. Copyright Elsevier. Original journal available here.
Paper originally presented at R. C. Bose Memorial Conference on Statistical Design and Related Combinatorics, Colorado Springs, 7-11 June, 1995.
In this paper we show that BIBD(v, b, r, k, λ), where v = pq or pq + 1, when written in the notation of Bose's method of differences may often be used to find generalized Bhaskar Rao designs GBRD(p, b', r', k, λ; G) where G is a group of order q and vice versa. This gives many new GBRDs including a GBRD(9, 5, 5; Z5) and a GBRD(13, 7, 7; Z7).
Citation Information
Jennifer Seberry. "Bose's Method of Differences Applied to Construct Bhaskar Rao Designs" (1998) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/jseberry/21/