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About Justin Bland, Ph.D., ACSM EP-C

Proverbs 25.2: "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of Kings to search it out." We are commissioned by The Almighty God to search out the hidden matters, to "go and subdue the earth" and we are to do so with the primary objective though our allegiance to King Jesus to "make disciples of all nations..." My goal is to prepare and train young men and women through our searching out the hidden matters in exercise science to follow Christ and bind up the wounded.


Present Chair and Associate Professor of Exercise and Sport Sciences, Harding University Department of Exercise & Sport Sciences

Curriculum Vitae

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Professional Service and Affiliations

2004 - Present Member, ACSM
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Honors and Awards

  • Alpha Chi Faculty Scholar - 2019
  • Masters Level Research Award, American College of Sports Medicine - 2005


  • EXSS 6050 - Advanced Biomechanics
  • EXSS 2254 - Assessment of Human Performance
  • KINS 407 - Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application K-12
  • KINS 1330 - Recreational Activities: Disc Sports
  • KINS 1010 - Introduction to Wellness
  • EXSS 5100 - Advanced Exercise Physiology
  • EXSS 5060 - Sport Observation and Evaluation II
  • EXSS 5050 - Sport Observation and Evaluation
  • EXSS 4100 - Laboratory Techniques in Exercise Science
  • EXSS 4120 - Exercise Physiology II
  • KINS 1330 - Recreational Activities: Disc Sports
  • EXSS 6070 - Advanced Exercise Physiology
  • EXSS 4090 - Exercise Prescription in Various Populations
  • KINS 3250 - Motor Learning


2007 - 2012 PhD, Michigan State University ‐ Department of Kinesiology
2005 - 2007 MSE, Harding University ‐ Cannon-Clary College of Education
2000 - 2005 BS, Harding University ‐ Department of Kinesiology

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