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Critical Electron Dose Threshold for Measuring the Electron Yield of Unbiased Highly Insulating Materials
Bulletin of the American Physical Society
  • Ryan Hoffmann
  • Jonathon Abbott
  • John R. Dennison, Utah State University
Document Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 51(1) Part II, (2006). American Physical Society March Meeting 2006, March 13-17, 2006, Baltimore, MD

Citation Information
Ryan Hoffmann, Jonathon Abbot, and JR Dennison, “Critical Electron Dose Threshold for Measuring the Electron Yield of Unbiased Highly Insulating Materials,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 51(1) Part II, (2006). American Physical Society March Meeting 2006, March 13-17, 2006, Baltimore, MD.