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Global leadership development in the university setting and future directions for advancing global leadership research
Advances in Global Leadership (2018)
  • Joyce S Osland, San Jose State University
  • Ming Li, University of Liverpool
  • Martha Petrone, Miami University - Oxford
  • Mark E. Mendenhall, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
This paper summarizes the findings of the empirical papers in this volume and outlines future research directions for global leadership in general. We summarize the state of global leadership development in universities and recommend design criteria for these efforts. Given the popularity of study abroad as an integral component in many global leadership programs, we highlight common challenges for study abroad programs and the importance of taking an organization development approach. We conclude with future directions for global leadership development research in university settings, most of which emerged from the featured papers on this topic in this volume of Advances in Global Leadership. It is our hope that this chapter serves as a primer for both university program directors and researchers. © 2019 by Emerald Publishing Limited All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
  • Benchmarks,
  • Global leadership,
  • Global leadership development in universities,
  • Recommendations for future research,
  • Study abroad best practices,
  • Study abroad programs
Publication Date
November 26, 2018
Joyce S. Osland, Mark E. Mendenhall, Ming Li
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Citation Information
Joyce S Osland, Ming Li, Martha Petrone and Mark E. Mendenhall. "Global leadership development in the university setting and future directions for advancing global leadership research" Bingley, West Yorkshire, EnglandAdvances in Global Leadership Vol. 11 (2018)
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