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UNITARY HUMAN CARING SCIENCE: Articulating the Disciplinary Perspective and Structure of Nursing Knowledge
Perkins, J.B. (2019). Unitary Human Caring Science: Articulating the disciplinary perspective and structure of nursing knowledge [Abstract]. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, Nursing Theory: A 50-Year Perspective Past and Future Abstracts, F-30 (2019)
  • Joyce B Perkins, St. Catherine University
UHCS emerged from a confluence of nursing theorists. Rogers’ (1970, 1992) ideas of the unitary human being shaped the essential foundation of UHCS.  Newman and colleagues noted Health as Expanding Consciousness (Newman, 1994) via three paradigms: Particulate/Determinate, Interactive/Integrative, and Unitary/Transformative (Newman, M.A., Sime, A. M., & Corcoran-Perry, S. A., 1991) within human potential. Smith articulated aspects of Unitary Caring (1992) and Watson developed Caring Science (1979, 2008, 2012, 2018) as essential to nursing. UHCS illuminates the next iteration of Unitary Caring Science (UCS) by emphasizing the “lived experience” (Perkins, 2003) of pan dimensional human beings.
UHCS is the understanding that all in the natural world live within the parameters of human-universe expression, or Newman’s unitary transformative paradigm of nursing. At the level of UHCS, the frequencies of love and compassion meld harmonically and coherently with conscious attention and intention. Human potential takes an exponential leap into the quantum, virtual realm of Spirit/Creator, and the manifestation of super conscious healing capabilities. Quantum physicists speak of the universe as a scale invariant fractal hologram (Unified Science, 2018), and complexity science (Plexus Institute, 2018) languages the dynamics of complex systems. The direct experience of many ways of knowing embraced by indigenous and traditional cultures unveil our common humanity with new understanding and healing approaches. Thus, human-universe is ONE unitary whole, held within the embrace of a benevolent Creator/Great Spirit, with fractal iterations of cosmic proportions. Fractal iterations of universal principles, within human beings potentiate healing capacities, and are central to the discipline of nursing.
Knowledge development for the next generation involves sharing how consciousness of the individual perceives and becomes aware of nonlocal information available in the unitary field. This ability of a unitary human being, to translate patterns noticed in the lived experience, may be sorted via the paradigms of nursing and the Caritas Processes ® evolved to Caritas Veritas Lights on Virtue (Perkins, unpublished manuscript, 2017; Perkins, 2020).   Making a conscious choice to align with values and certain ideals of the good, the true and the beautiful, calls forth a frequency pattern within self that magnifies qualities of love, compassion, gratitude, appreciation and humility in daily life.  The practice of care and compassion aligns the individual to a power greater than the personal egoic self.  This higher power, or soul of Self, resonates harmonically with the Source energy of creation.  Resonance of a conscious heart to the soul level of the unitary Self, allows coherent and synchronous patterns to reveal how the infinite embeds within the finite world of particulate matter, i.e. the consciousness of the individual nurse.  Such synchrony to the sacred within Self, potentiates healing dynamics in physical form. The call to nursing is in part answered via the response within the nurse, directly known in the unitary field as authentic presence. This perspective speaks of the unitary processes of conscious choice, becoming a co-creator, claiming the sacred heart within, accepting one’s human aspect with humility, and yet tasting the healing watersof the divine in sacred union. One comes to know the practice of nursing as performing sacred acts in daily life as coherence to this universal presence of Source within unfolds in the individual life expression of the nurse. The expert nurse reveals the gifts of a virtuoso, much like a master violinist is a virtuoso, as Caritas Veritas, the light of authentic presence, becomes a reality in patient care situations.
Unitary Human Caring Science (UHCS) embraces consciousness (heart/mind/emotion/spirit/body complex) of human-universe as One unitary whole, expressed via three paradigms, to articulate the focus of attention and intention.  Sorting kinds or levels of information facilitates action choices made in mutual relationships of all kinds. Many ways of knowing count as evidence, and the intention to care raises healing pattern dynamics exponentially, revealing a sense of the sacred, as life force or Source energy in daily endeavors. Science and Spirit are known as One field of potential unfolding in daily expression within the form of human-universe.
Publication Date
Perkins, J.B. (2019). Unitary Human Caring Science: Articulating the disciplinary perspective and structure of nursing knowledge [Abstract]. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, Nursing Theory: A 50-Year Perspective Past and FutureAbstracts, F-30
Citation Information
Joyce B Perkins. "UNITARY HUMAN CARING SCIENCE: Articulating the Disciplinary Perspective and Structure of Nursing Knowledge" Perkins, J.B. (2019). Unitary Human Caring Science: Articulating the disciplinary perspective and structure of nursing knowledge [Abstract]. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, Nursing Theory: A 50-Year Perspective Past and Future Abstracts, F-30 (2019)
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