Holistic Education and Practice Nurtures the Emergence of Unitary Human Beings- no notes.pptx
AHNA 43 Annual Conference
Abstract: Healing practices are the foundation for any holistic nursing program. This presentation provides an overview of the educational framework and the holistic teaching strategies of a BSN program, holistically endorsed by the AHNCC. The educational framework includes theory, research, ethics, and practice guidelines used to support students as they learn to nurture themselves, and others, as well as create healing environments. Teaching strategies integrate Holistic Nursing Core Values and the holistic scope and standards of practice into the curriculum. Students practice meditation, contemplation, caring practices, therapeutic touch and healing modalities alongside western medicine as they build heart/mind/brain coherence, and modulate inner feeling states. The goal is to improve inner awareness, intuition, resilience, intellectual and emotional intelligence along with the ability to move through chaotic/complex environments with balance and equanimity. Students learn to understand and integrate a broad horizon of meaning as they work with diverse groups and each other. Gradually, their lived experience magnifies their connection with the Universal energy of creation and attitudes toward life that refresh, enliven, and potentiate healing possibilities. This inner transformation promotes creative nursing actions that enhance outcomes. Care, compassion, gratitude, appreciation and joyful moments radiate from students who feel supported by a universal field of love and compassion, and a holistic nursing conceptual framework that unfolds within them. Healing presence, intuitive knowing, and epiphanal moments blend with commitment, competence, kindness, and service to the building of a peaceful, sustainable, and better world.
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- Holistic education,
- Unitary Human Beings,
- Authentic Self
Publication Date
Summer June 6, 2023
Orlando, Florida
Citation Information
Joyce B Perkins. "Holistic Education and Practice Nurtures the Emergence of Unitary Human Beings- no notes.pptx" AHNA 43 Annual Conference (2023) Available at: