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Cosmology of Compassion for Nursing Explicated Via Self, a Science and Spirit
  • Joyce B Perkins, PhD
The purpose of this dissertation is to explicate a Cosmology of Compassion (CC). This cosmology uncovers a shift in the consciousness of humanity from ordinary awareness to an expanded field of information and potential.  Compassion/love is the nest for this expanding possibility. The cosmos is seen as an unbounded, unified, connected field of energy waves activated by a quantum-like potential.  The life force/spirit of creation is that activating force.  Consciousness is its pattern. 
Methodology encompasses the use of Bohm’s dialogue. This dialogue among self-science-spirit is combined with a hermeneutic interpretation of multiple perspectives on reality. Scientific dialogues arise from nursing and medical science, quantum physics, complexity science, and wave theory. A focus on the “lived experience” of humanity grounds the cosmology in an embodied sense.
The voice of nursing theorists Rogers, Newman, Parse, and Watson initiate the conversation from nursing science.  The reality domains of Chopra, Wilber’s modes of knowing and Steiner’s simultaneously expanding/contracting field reveals the quantum-like possibility of spirit/light/love emerging and condensing from this cosmic field.  From this perspective, a generative order, the living expression of the Source of all creation is evident in the world and universe. This conversation among self-science-spirit involves a deeply personal experience of divine love.  This same love is posited to hold the physical world in form. Thus, this multiple dialogue reveals intersecting dynamics between the physical non-physical world. What has been revealed describes a unified field of creative emergence and inspiration, held by love, caring, and compassion in shape and form. A shift in consciousness for humans, individually and collectively, and nursing science in particular, allows for human imagination, expanding consciousness, and the potential for humans to be co-creators of an unfolding future.
 A Cosmology of Compassion is posited as a transformative influence for a new science of nursing and related fields, which has the potential for freeing humans and professionals from limited/restricted pattern dynamics. Of significance, caring/compassion/cosmic love/spirit guide and inform wisdom practices for healing/transforming self and systems. Ultimately, creativity expressed through the expanding consciousness of an awakening humanity shapes a Cosmology of Compassion (CC), a way of being beyond paradigms.
Publication Date
Field of study
Drs. Fran Reeder, Jean Watson, Marlaine Smith, Susan Hagedorn, and Susan Bauer
Citation Information
Joyce B Perkins. "Cosmology of Compassion for Nursing Explicated Via Self, a Science and Spirit" (2004)
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