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About Joyce B. Perkins PhD, MS, MA, RN, SGAHN, AHN-BC, CHTP, RMP-T, ACE-GFI

Dr. Perkins is a Professor at St. Catherine University School of Nursing in St. Paul, MN, facilitating curriculum development for the American Holistic Nursing Association endorsed BSN program in the College for Adults. Dr. Perkins received a Master's Degree in Psych/Mental Health nursing at the University of Minnesota and worked for 14 years as a psych/mental health nurse at the bedside of patients at Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, MN. She completed her PhD in Nursing at the University of Colorado, Health and Science Center, Denver. She is an Advanced Practice Board Certified Holistic Nurse (AHN-BC) with certifications in Healing Touch (CHTP), Reiki (RMT-P) Therapeutic Touch, and Qigong. She has also taught group exercise classes at local health clubs for the past 40 years (ACE-GFI). Dr. Perkins is a distinguished scholar of the Global Academy of Holistic Nursing (SGAHN). She recently served on the Board of Directors for the Society of Rogerian Scholars and the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Center. She chairs the Education Committee of the Global Academy of Holistic Nursing. Formally trained by three Rogerians: Drs. Newman, Smith, and Reeder, she is a postdoctoral senior scholar of Caring Science with Dr. Jean Watson (WCSI). Dr. Perkins has taught at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels in nursing, including chairing scholarly project committees. Her research focus has been on the lived experience of doctoral level nursing students (DNP) practicing Transcendental Meditation® and Caring Efficacy as noted by students trained in Unitary Human Caring Science.


Present Associate Professor, Nursing, St. Catherine University Nursing Department

Curriculum Vitae


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Professional Service and Affiliations

2018 - Present Board Member, American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation
2015 - 2020 Board Member, Society of Rogerian Scholars
2005 - 2015 Reviewer, Journal of Holistic Nursing
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Honors and Awards

  • 2016-2018: Watson Caring Science Post-Doctoral Senior Scholar, Boulder, CO. with Dr. Jean Watson, Watson Caring Science Institute (WCSI).
  • 2014: Edmond J. Safra Visiting Nurse Faculty program: Struthers Parkinsons’ Disease Center, Minneapolis, MN.
  • 2005: Fellowship at the Summer Genetics Institute, National Institute of Health (National Institute of Nursing Research, NINR), Bethesda, Maryland.
  • 2009: Mayo Clinic Excellence in Nursing Award from the Nursing Division Leadership Group
  • 2005: Mayo Clinic Excellence in Nursing Award from the Nursing Division Leadership Group
  • 2007: Lilly Grant: In collaboration with Dr. Susan Nash, applied for a Lilly Grant to develop a program for students related to “calling and vocation”.
  • 2010 Summer: CTL Hybrid Course Development
  • 2012: Peer Collaboration to Improve Teaching and Learning. Augsburg College Center for Teaching and Learning. Funded scholarship.
  • 2012-2015: Invited faculty facilitator Watson Caring Science & International Caritas Institute in Boulder, Colorado.
  • 2013: Writers Retreat, Dunrovin Christian Brother’s Center, Augsburg Center for Teaching and Learning. Funded award.
  • 2014, June, 24-27: Invited guest at the Native American Gathering of tribes at “Mato Tipila” (Devil’s Tower National Park).
  • 2016: Foundations of Course Design for Online Environments. St. Catherine University, Academic Technology.
  • 2016: Perkins, J., Pharris, M., & Nelson, D. Development of a Transcultural Holistic Baccalaureate Nursing Program Based on Unitary Caring Science.
  • 2016: Aquino-Russell, C. & Perkins, J., Stress, Transcendental Meditation ™, and Teaching-Learning in Academia
  • 2018: Aquino-Russell, C. & Perkins, J., Transforming Presence: Transcendental Meditation® Reveals the Spirit of Nurses. Research Findings Seen Through the Lens of Nursing Theory


  • NURS 4603 Holistic Nursing: Reflection in Action
  • NURS 4203 Holistic Nursing Approaches to Mental Health
  • NURS 3705 Holistic Nursing Care of Children and Childbearing Families
  • NURS 4303 Holistic Nursing Advances Leading and Influencing
  • NURS 4704 Unification of Nursing Concepts and Contexts in Holistic Complex Care
  • NURS 4704 Unification of Nursing Concepts and Contexts in Holistic Complex Care
  • NURS 3106 Fundamentals of Nursing and Holistic Care
  • NURS 3303 Human Caring: Role and Culture


2016 - 2018 Post Doctoral Studies, Post Doctoral Senior Scholar, Watson Caring Science Institute
1999 - 2004 PhD, University of Colorado ‐ Health and Science Center Denver
1997 - 1999 MS, University of Minnesota Minneapolis ‐ Psych/Mental Health Nursing
1988 - 1991 MA, St Mary's College Graduate Center, Minneaplis, MN. ‐ Liberal and Integrated Studies

Publications (14)

Presentations (13)