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A Comparative Analysis of Martin Luther's Works
The Research and Scholarship Symposium (2013-2019)
  • Lauren E. Yost, Cedarville University
  • Josh Graham, Cedarville University
  • Peter Kennell, Cedarville University
  • Daniel J. Stank, Cedarville University
  • Joshua Kira, Cedarville University
  • Annis N. Shaver, Cedarville University
Type of Submission
  • Literary analysis,
  • theology,
  • foreign language,
  • Reformation

In this study we sought to analyze the inclusion of themes from Martin Luther's 95 Theses (1517) in his later writings and the possible development of such themes. We sought to analyze selected works by Luther in order to answer the following question: Of the themes of the 95 Theses, which remain unchanged, which change, and which disappear in his later writings? After translating and analyzing the 95 Theses as a group, we discussed and agreed upon six themes: purgatory, the pope and the clergy, canonical law, indulgences, the gospel and salvation, and repentance. We then individually compared these themes to selected works of Luther’s writings (or his hymns in general). Due to the different natures and purposes of each work, we found varying results. Ultimately, we concluded that the 95 Theses neither summarizes nor predicts Luther’s theology. Luther in fact continues to develop his theology over time and tailors his content for the particular audiences for which he writes.

Campus Venue
Stevens Student Center Lobby
Cedarville, OH
Start Date
4-11-2018 11:00 AM
End Date
4-11-2018 2:00 PM
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0
Citation Information
Lauren E. Yost, Josh Graham, Peter Kennell, Daniel J. Stank, et al.. "A Comparative Analysis of Martin Luther's Works" (2018)
Available at: