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Contribution to Book
Infusion of American Indian and Alaska Native Topics in Psychology
Teaching Gender and Multicultural Awareness: Resources for the Psychology Classroom (2003)
  • Joseph E. Trimble, PhD
This volume provides information about how to integrate topics of diversity into a variety of psychology courses and programs of study. Because psychology now contains a rich body of knowledge that reaches across gender, social and cultural lines, a single class about gender or cross-cultural studies is no longer sufficient to teach students about multiculturalism. Instead, such issues need to be incorporated into each part of the psychology curriculum.
  • Teaching multiculturalism,
  • Psychology curriculum
Publication Date
Dr. Kathryn Quina, Ph.D. and Phyllis Bronstein
American Psychological Association
Citation Information
Joseph E. Trimble, PhD. "Infusion of American Indian and Alaska Native Topics in Psychology" Washington, DCTeaching Gender and Multicultural Awareness: Resources for the Psychology Classroom (2003) p. 221 - 236
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