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Mapping degrees of complexity, complicatedness, and emergent complexity
Ecological Complexity (2018)
  • Joseph Tainter
This paper assesses the conceptualizations and analytical uses of complexity. Throughout the paper, we carefully eschew ontological issues, and sort out the epistemology of complexity. We try to explain why the ontology of complexity makes no sense to us, much like significance is neither material nor ontological. Our tool of choice is levels of analysis. First, we analyze the conceptualization of complexity. Much discussion of complexity is confused because complexity is mistaken as a material issue. Complexity arises from the way the situation is addressed, and is not material in itself. Even so, complexity does seem to have material ramifications without being itself a straightforward material distinction. We use an illustrative parallel example where genetic dominance is shown not to be material while having material consequences, but only after a gene is asserted to be dominant on normative criteria.
Publication Date
Citation Information
Joseph Tainter. "Mapping degrees of complexity, complicatedness, and emergent complexity" Ecological Complexity Vol. 35 (2018) p. 39 - 44
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