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About Joseph Shrestha

Although a large amount of digital data is being collected in the construction industry, their utilization has been limited. The researcher is interested in exploring the data using visualization techniques and analyzing them using advanced data mining techniques to generate useful insights to aid organizational and project level decision making from the unused data.


Present Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University Department of Engineering, Engineering Technology, Interior Architecture, and Surveying

Curriculum Vitae


2019 Calculating Road User Cost for Specific Sections of Highway for Use in Alternative Contracting Projects
Tennessee Department of Transportation
Role: PI
Colleague(s): Moin Uddin and Ferdaus Kawsar
2018 Data Collection and Preliminary Analysis to Develop a Methodology to Compare Construction Inflation Rates in Multiple States
Research Development Committee, East Tennessee State University
Role: PI
2017 Unit Price Visualization Using Geographical Information System
Montana Department of Transportation
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): H.D. Jeong
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2019 - Present Reviewer, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology
2018 - Present Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
2017 - Present Member, Engineers without Borders – Tri-cities Tennessee Professional Chapter
2016 - Present Reviewer, Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
2016 - Present Reviewer, Journal of the Transportation Research Board
2015 - Present Reviewer, ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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Honors and Awards

  • 2005 – 2010 - The College Fellowship Scholarship – Pulchowk Campus
  • 2009 - Freeship – Pulchowk Campus
  • 2011 - UNLV Access Grant – University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 2012 - GPSA Book Scholarship – University of Nevada Las Vegas
  • 2014 - Tau Beta Pi – The Engineering Honor Society
  • 2014 - GPSS Travel Professional Advancement Grant, Iowa State University
  • 2014 - Best Presentation in Session for the Oral Presentation Competition, 1st Graduate and Professional Students’ Research Conference, Iowa State University
  • 2015 - Travel Scholarship, CCEE Graduate Student Council, Iowa State University
  • 2015 - Travel Scholarship, Transportation Student Association, Iowa State University
  • 2017 - Most Popular Author in the Data Storage Systems Commons, BePress
  • 2019 - ASC Proceedings Best Paper Award, Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference


  • CONE 381/481 – Bidding Construction Projects I
  • CONE 322 – Construction Equipment and Heavy Construction Methods
  • ENTC 4060 - Scheduling
  • ENTC 2420 – Construction Fundamentals
  • ENTC 3410 - Construction Estimating and Planning
  • ENTC 4417 - Construction Financing and Administration
  • ENTC 2410 - Construction Fundamentals
  • ENTC 3420 - Advanced Construction Estimating and Planning


2016 PhD, Civil Engineering, Iowa State University
2013 MS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
2010 BE, Civil Engineering, Tribhuvan University

Contact Information

PO Box 70552
Johnson City, TN 37614

Office: 104B Wilson Wallis Hall
Phone: 423-439-7821


Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings (6)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers (4)

Presentations (Abstract Only) (2)

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers (5)

Presentations (8)