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About Joseph M Hilbe

President, International Astrostatistics Association (2012-2015;2016-2017) (IAA)
Author, 19 books on statistical modeling; Elected Fellow, American Statistical Association; Elected Fellow, International Astrostatistics Association, "Elected Member", International Statistical Institute, and "full member", American Astronomical Society
TWITTER: @JosephHilbe Follow my twitter to receive up-to-date info about new code, books, white papers, journal articles, comments
Co-Editor, Astrostatistics and Astroinformatics Portal (ASAIP), Penn State Univ.;

NOTE: Over 31,000 downloads from 131 countries and over 1,600 institutions have been made from my BePress Selected Works site. Moreover, the white paper titled "Basic R Matrix Operations" has had some 4,400 downloads from 96 countries. It is the most downloaded. I am very pleased that this paper, and the others, has been helpful to so many of my statistical colleagues and readers. It's near the bottom of the selections below, so I am giving you the direct URL for it (see below). Log Negative Binomial Regression as a GLM (which I wrote in 1993 to mathematically demonstrate that the negative binomial is a member of the GLM family), Negative Binomial Regression Extensions and Beta Binomial Regression papers have each been downloaded well over 2500 and 2400 times respectively. Bayesian code for the forthcoming book, Bayesian Models for Astrophysical Data: using R, JAGS, Python and Stan (Cambridge University Press) will be placed on this site at the same time the book is published. It is due to be published in late April, 2017.

Emeritus Professor, Univ. of Hawaii (retired 1990).
Adjunct Prof of Statistics, Arizona State Univ. (since 1992)
Solar System Ambassador, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CalTech (since 2007)

Hardin & Hilbe (2017), "Generalized Linear Models and Extensions", 4th edition, Stata Press (602p) (completed Nov 2015)
<There has been a delay; I am going to add more to the 65 page chapter on Bayesian GLMs already in the book. I suspect
that the book will be out in summer 2017.>

Hilbe, deSouza, and Ishida, "Bayesian Models for Astrophysical Data: using R, JAGS, Python, and Stan", Cambridge Univ Press (418p)
(the book is completed and is in production. Publication date given us is May 2017. Hardback and ebook formats)
Hilbe (2016), "Negative Binomial Regression", Chinese edition, Beijing World Publishing Corp.(580p)
Hilbe (2015), "Practical Guide to Logistic Regression", Chapman & Hall/CRC (172p). and CRAN: LOGIT package
Hilbe (2014), "Modeling Count Data", Cambridge University Press (299p) and CRAN: COUNT package.
Honorable Mention, PROSE awards in Mathematics (2nd top mathematics book published in 2014, and top book in statistics).
Hilbe (2007,2011), "Negative Binomial Regression", 2 editions, Cambridge University Press (572 p) CRAN: COUNT package
Hilbe (2009), "Logistic Regression Models", Chapman & Hall/CRC (656 p) 2nd ed in 2016.
Hilbe (2009), Solution Guide to Logistic Regression Models, Chapman & Hall/CRC (184 p)
Hilbe & Robinson (2013), "Methods of Statistical Model Estimation", Chapman & Hall/CRC (237 p) and CRAN: msme package
Hardin & Hilbe (2001, 2007, 2012), "Generalized Linear Models and Extensions", 3 editions, Stata-Chapman & Hall/CRC (479 p)
Hardin & Hilbe (2002, 2012), "Generalized Estimating Equations", 2nd ed, Chapman & Hall/CRC (277 p)
Zuur, Hilbe, Eleno (2013), "Beginner's Guide to GLM and GLMM with R: A frequentist and Bayesian perspective for ecology", Highland
Muenchen & Hilbe (2010), "R for Stata Users", Springer (524 p)
Hilbe (2012),ed, "Astrostatistical Challenges for the New Astronomy", Springer (248 p)
Shults & Hilbe (2014), "Quasi-least Squares Regression", Chapman & Hall/CRC (221 p)
Miner, Bolding, Hilbe, et al (2014), "Practical Predictive Analytics and Decisioning Systems in Medicine", Academic/Elsevier (1100p)

1) 2016 IAA "Outstanding Contributions to Astrostatistics" medal, the associations top award  
2) Elected Fellow, International Astrostatistics Association (2016)
3) The American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (2015 PROSE awards): Modeling Count Data, Honorable Mention, in  
Mathematics (2nd top mathematics book published in 2014).
4) Distinguished Alumnus award, California State University, Chico (2009)
5) Elected Fellow, American Statistical Association (2007)
6) Elected member, International Statistical Institute (2007)
7) Inductee, Athletic Hall of Fame, California State University, Chico (2007)

Sign-up at "FOLLOW" under my picture to obtain email notifications about updates to errata, E-Books,computer code, etc.
EMAIL Please use: or TWITTER: @JosephHilbe
Stat/Transfer: Fantastic software for converting data between statistical packages. I highly recommend.

LOGIT package on CRAN - for code, data and errata "Practical Guide to Logistic Regression"
COUNT package on CRAN - for code, data and errata "Negative Binomial Regression" and "Modeling Count Data"
msme package on CRAN -- for code,data and errata "Methods of Statistical Model Estimation"

ERRATA -- always make sure to check the Errata and Comments/Additions document for all stat books, including mine. Both of my recent books, Modeling Count Data (2014) and Practical Guide to Logistic Regression (2015) now have new e-books with (most) errata corrected. Unfortunately the printed versions still have the errata. For the next printings of each book, errata-fixed versions will be available. Book-sellers may still sell older copies until they run out of stock. Also, readers of "Practical Guide..." will likely appreciate the "Addition to PGLR Chapter 6". It provides a number of Bayesian logistic and beta binomial models using Stata.


Present Adjunct Professor of Statistics, Arizona State University
Present Emeritus Professor, Univ of Hawaii, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Present Solar System Ambassador, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

Research Interests

Bayesian modeling and software development, Software development for astrostatistical research, and Discrete Response Regression Models from both the Frequentist and Bayesian Perspectives

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Honors and Awards

  • Elected Fellow, American Statistical Association
  • Elected member, International Statistical Institute
  • Distinguished Alumnus award, California State University, Chico
  • 2015 PROSE awards: Honorable mention, books on Mathematics, for authoring "Modeling Count Data"
  • 2016 "Outstanding Contributions to Astrostatistics" medal, International Astrostatistics Association, the IAAs top award
  • 2016 Elected Fellow, International Astrostatistics Association

Statistical Models (4)

Teaching Works (4)

Statistical Programming (6)

Statistical Software Review (3)

International Astrostatistics Association (1)

Book Review (1)

Sports Statistics (1)

Philosophy and Logic (1)