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Facility Layout for Puck Custom Enterprises
TSM 416 Technology Capstone Projects
  • Wyatt Hassel, Iowa State University
  • Michael Crowl, Iowa State University
  • Brennan Wiest, Iowa State University
  • Cole Schlader, Iowa State University
  • Joseph R. Vanstrom, Iowa State University
  • Jacek A. Koziel, Iowa State University
Publication Date
Course Number and Title
TSM 416: Technology Capstone
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Industrial Technology (Hassel, Crowl, Wiest, Schlader)
Joseph R. Vanstrom and Jacek A. Koziel
Problem Statement

Puck Custom Enterprises (PCE) has experienced tremendous growth resulting in a need for a facility expansion and additional manufacturing equipment. PCE opened their first manufacturing facility in 2010 producing dragline systems for manure spreading applications. They quickly grew out of their facility resulting in four expansions in 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015. PCE has once again grown out of their facility. There’s an insufficient amount of facility space and manufacturing equipment to handle their customers demand. PCE is planning on another expansion, they are unsure of how to layout the new facility and where to place the machines. Facility design is one type of job that graduates of industrial technology can pursue. There are many other companies looking to design new facilities or redesign old facilities. The techniques used to solve PCE’s problem are commonly used by these graduates and companies to similarly layout their facilities.

Citation Information
Wyatt Hassel, Michael Crowl, Brennan Wiest, Cole Schlader, Joseph R. Vanstrom and Jacek A. Koziel. Facility Layout for Puck Custom Enterprises. Final Report. TSM 416 Technology Capstone Project, April 28, 2017.