Using a composite morbidity score and cultural survey to explore characteristics of high proficiency neonatal intensive care units.
Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed.
Continuous quality improvement (CQI) collaboration has not eliminated the morbidity variability seen among neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Factors other than inconstant application of potentially better practices (PBPs) might explain divergent proficiency.
Measure a composite morbidity score and determine whether cultural, environmental and cognitive factors distinguish high proficiency from lower proficiency NICUs.
Retrospective analysis using a risk-adjusted composite morbidity score (Benefit Metric) and cultural survey focusing on very low birth weight (VLBW) infants from 39 NICUs, years 2000-2014. The Benefit Metric and yearly variance from the group mean was rank-ordered by NICU. A comprehensive survey was completed by each NICU exploring whether morbidity variance correlated with CQI methodology, cultural, environmental and/or cognitive characteristics.
58 272 VLBW infants were included, mean (SD) age 28.2 (3.0) weeks, birth weight 1031 (301) g. The 39 NICU groups' Benefit Metric improved 40%, from 80 in 2000 to 112 in 2014 (P<0.001). 14 NICUs had composite morbidity scores significantly better than the group, 16 did not differ and 9 scored below the group mean. The 14 highest performing NICUs were characterised by more effective team work, superior morale, greater problem-solving expectations of providers, enhanced learning opportunities, knowledge of CQI fundamentals and more generous staffing.
Cultural, environmental and cognitive characteristics vary among NICUs perhaps more than traditional CQI methodology and PBPs, possibly explaining the inconstancy of VLBW infant morbidity reduction efforts. High proficiency NICUs foster spirited team work and camaraderie, sustained learning opportunities and support of favourable staffing that allows problem solving and widespread involvement in CQI activities.
© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.
- composite morbidity score,
- continued quality improvement,
- potentially better practices,
- very low birth weight infants
Publication Date
January 3, 2018
Citation Information
Joseph Kaempf. "Using a composite morbidity score and cultural survey to explore characteristics of high proficiency neonatal intensive care units." Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. (2018) Available at: