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Morphological effects of Pasteurella multocida Type-D dermonecrotoxin on rat osteosarcoma cells in a nude mouse model
Journal of Comparative Pathology
  • N. W. Dyer, North Dakota State University
  • Joseph S. Haynes, Iowa State University
  • Mark R. Ackermann, Iowa State University
  • R. B. Rimler, United States Department of Agriculture
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Of 15 athymic nude mice that received subcutaneous implants of a rat osteosarcoma cell line, two groups of four subsequently received either a short (group 1) or a more prolonged (group 2) course of subcutaneous injections of the dermonecrotic toxin (DNT) of Pasteurella multocida type D. The remaining seven mice (controls) received no DNT. Both groups of DNT-treated mice lost body weight as compared with controls. Tumour weight, expressed as a percentage of body weight, increased in the four group 1 mice, Tumours in this group 1 were consistently larger than those in appropriate controls, indicating that this percentage was not simply a function of decreased body weight. The immunohistochemical labelling of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and morphometric analysis of intratumoral necrosis suggested that the DNT had a mitogenic effect and contributed to the neoplastic growth. The presence of foci of neoplastic osteoblasts in the lungs of some DNT-treated mice suggested that the enhanced tumour growth led to an increased incidence of metastasis.

This article is from Journal of Comparative Pathology 119, no. 2 (August 1998): 149–158, doi:10.1016/S0021-9975(98)80059-5.

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Citation Information
N. W. Dyer, Joseph S. Haynes, Mark R. Ackermann and R. B. Rimler. "Morphological effects of Pasteurella multocida Type-D dermonecrotoxin on rat osteosarcoma cells in a nude mouse model" Journal of Comparative Pathology Vol. 119 Iss. 2 (1998) p. 149 - 158
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