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Vacancy-Induced Enhancement of Electron-Phonon Coupling in Cubic Silicon Carbide and its Relationship to the Two-Temperature Model
Journal of Applied Physics
  • Salah Al Smairat
  • Joseph T. Graham, Missouri University of Science and Technology

The electron-phonon coupling factor was calculated for both pristine and vacancy-rich 3C-SiC. Ab initio calculations were performed within the framework of the density functional perturbation theory. Wannier functions were used to interpolate eigenvalues into denser grids through the electron-phonon using Wannier code. The coupling factor was determined through calculations of the electron self-energy, electron-phonon relaxation time, and electronic specific heat. These parameters were extrapolated to high temperatures using a hybrid model which mixes band calculations for electrons below an energy cutoff with the free electron gas model for electrons above the energy cutoff. The electron relaxation times, specific heats, electron drift mobilities, and electron-phonon coupling factors were calculated as a function of electron temperature. Si and C vacancies were found to have a profound effect on electron-phonon coupling for all temperatures, while electronic specific heat capacity was found to be most affected at cryogenic temperatures. The electron drift mobility was calculated at different temperatures using the scattering time. Calculated mobilities were validated with Hall mobility measurements reported in the literature. The importance of structural defects on the electron-phonon coupling is discussed in the context of the two-temperature model, a model that has been widely used to understand aspects of the interaction of solids with pulsed laser irradiation and swift heavy ion irradiation.

Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science

This work was supported in part by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Faculty Development under Grant No. NRC-HQ-84-15-G-0044.

Document Type
Article - Journal
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Final Version
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© 2021 American Institute of Physics (AIP), All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
28 Sep 2021
Citation Information
Salah Al Smairat and Joseph T. Graham. "Vacancy-Induced Enhancement of Electron-Phonon Coupling in Cubic Silicon Carbide and its Relationship to the Two-Temperature Model" Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 130 Iss. 12 (2021) ISSN: 1089-7550; 0021-8979
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