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New Ion Beam Materials Laboratory for Materials Modification and Irradiation Effects Research
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
  • Y. Zhang
  • M. L. Crespillo
  • H. Xue
  • K. Jin
  • C. H. Chen
  • C. L. Fontana
  • Joseph T. Graham, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • W. J. Weber

A new multifunctional ion beam materials laboratory (IBML) has been established at the University of Tennessee, in partnership with Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The IBML is currently equipped with two ion sources, a 3 MV tandem accelerator, three beamlines and three endstations. The IBML is primarily dedicated to fundamental research on ion-solid interaction, ion beam analysis, ion beam modification, and other basic and applied research on irradiation effects in a wide range of materials. An overview of the IBML facility is provided, and experimental results are reported to demonstrate the specific capabilities.

Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science
The UT-ORNL Ion Beam Materials Laboratory (IBML) was established with support from the UT-ORNL Governor's Chair program . The development of the high temperature endstation (L3) was supported by an infrastructure grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Nuclear Energy University Programs. Y. Zhang is grateful to the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) support through the U.S. DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES), Materials Sciences & Engineering Division (MSED). Y. Zhang, C.L. Fontana and W.J. Weber were partially supported by the U.S. DOE , BES , MSED in the development and demonstration of unique capabilities for damage accumulation studies. K. Jin and Y. Zhang acknowledge the support on energy loss determination from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Research and Development (R&D) Enterprise, Basic and Applied Sciences Directorate. C.L. Fontana was partially supported by ORNL LDRD for the TOF ERDA development. Y. Zhang is also grateful to the assistance and support from Gregory A. Norton, Jeremy Kasmarek, and Dan Bernhardt at National Electrostatics Corp.
Keywords and Phrases
  • Beam plasma interactions,
  • Ion sources,
  • Irradiation,
  • Particle accelerators,
  • Basic and applied research,
  • Ion beam analysis,
  • Ion-solid interactions,
  • Irradiation effects,
  • Materials modification,
  • Oak ridge National Laboratory,
  • Tandem accelerators,
  • University of Tennessee,
  • Beam material,
  • Ion beams
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 2014 Elsevier, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Nov 2014
Citation Information
Y. Zhang, M. L. Crespillo, H. Xue, K. Jin, et al.. "New Ion Beam Materials Laboratory for Materials Modification and Irradiation Effects Research" Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Vol. 338 (2014) p. 19 - 30 ISSN: 0168-583X
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