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Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 12 Brazilian Prison Gangs Attack Civil Infrastructure in Fortaleza and other cities in Ceará State
Small Wars Journal
  • John P. Sullivan
  • Robert J. Bunker
  • José de Arimatéia da Cruz, Georgia Southern University
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Violent attacks have rocked the Brazilian state of Ceará as a coalition of gangs — including the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), Comando Vermelho (CV), and their local counterparts Guardiões do Estado (GDE), and Família do Norte (FDN) — waged a reprisal against state forces after the new prison administration announced enhanced security measures in the state prisons. The city of Fortaleza has been the focal point of the ‘violent lobbying’[1] Since 2 January, 205 criminal attacks have occurred in 46 cities in Ceará and about 360 individuals have been arrested. Ceara’s security forces have been reinforced with the assistance of the Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF or Federal Highway Police). The attacks have included bombings and arson directed against vehicles (including buses and school transportation), police stations, public buildings, bridges, businesses, and banks.

Citation Information
John P. Sullivan, Robert J. Bunker and José de Arimatéia da Cruz. "Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 12 Brazilian Prison Gangs Attack Civil Infrastructure in Fortaleza and other cities in Ceará State" Small Wars Journal (2019)
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