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About J. Checo Colón-Gaud

I'm a freshwater ecologist interested in the role that consumers play in organic matter processing and how they may influence stream ecosystem functioning. My research is directed towards understanding the ecology of freshwater systems, particularly focusing on food web structure and organic matter dynamics. Most of my recent and ongoing work has focused on tropical headwater streams. Additionally, my colleagues and I are involved in research efforts to explore the ecology of coastal plain streams, rivers and wetlands in southeastern Georgia.

Teaching Interests: Environmental Biology, Ecology, Graduate Research Methods

Research Interests: Research in my lab focuses on the ecology of freshwater ecosystems. Most of my recent and ongoing work has focused on tropical headwater streams in Puerto Rico and Panama. Additionally, my students and I are involved in research efforts to explore the ecology of coastal plain streams, rivers and wetlands in southeastern Georgia. Major themes in my projects and those of my students include the effects aquatic consumers (invertebrates, fish, amphibians) in organic matter dynamics, nutrient cycling, and energy flow in streams and other freshwater habitats. 


Present Faculty Member, Georgia Southern University Department of Biology

Curriculum Vitae



2020 - Present National Science Foundation Division of Environmental Biology –
National Science Foundation
Towards a more diverse community of freshwater scientists
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): A. Rosemond, D. McGarvey, P. Mendez, and A. Rugenski
2021 - 2022 Georgia Southern University College of Science and Mathematics Faculty Incentive Grant
Georgia Southern University
2021 - 2022 National Science Foundation Directorate for Biological Sciences Research Experience for Post-Baccalaureate Students (REPS) in the Biological Sciences Supplemental Funding
National Science Foundation
2019 - 2022 Society for Freshwater Science Board of Directors/President’s Discretionary Fund
Society for Freshwater Science
Instars Mentoring Program to Broaden Participation of Undergraduates from Under-represented Groups and Ethnic Minorities
2021 Georgia Southern University College of Science and Mathematics Diversity and Inclusion Collaborative Mini Grant
Georgia Southern University
2021 Georgia Southern University Office of Research Undergraduate Student Assistant Award
Georgia Southern University
2020 - 2021 U.S. Geological Survey/Department of Interior, Water Resources Research Program 104B, Georgia Water Resources Institute
U.S. Geological Survey/Department of Interior
Assessing drought effects on consumer-mediated ecosystem processes using experimental wetlands
2019 - 2021 National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates
National Science Foundation
Interdisciplinary research Experiences in Coastal Plain Science
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): D. Gleason
2018 - 2021 National Academies of Science Gulf Research Program
National Academies of Science
Okefenokee - Understanding Real-world Relevance through Suwannee Watershed Assessment and Monitoring Project (OUR2 SWAMP)
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): L. Huffling [lead], H. Scott, K. Greer, and S. Landge
2020 Georgia Southern University Office of Research Undergraduate Student Assistant Award
Georgia Southern University
2011 - 2019 Society for Freshwater Science Board of Directors/President’s Discretionary Fund
Society for Freshwater Science
Instars Mentoring Program to Broaden Participation of Undergraduates from Under-represented Groups and Ethnic Minorities
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): J. Li, P. Mendez, T. Sluss, and M. Ardon-Sayao, K. Capps
2017 - 2018 Georgia Southern University Research Seed Funding Award
Georgia Southern University
Assessing the Ecosystem Level Effects of Climate Induced Flooding/Drought in Inland Wetlands of the Southeastern United States
2017 Professional Travel Award
Georgia Southern University Faculty Development Committee
2016 - 2017 Georgia Southern University Center for Sustainability
Sustainability Fee Project: Rehabilitation of Beautiful Eagle Creek (Phase 2)
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): J. Roberts, A. Harvey, and J. Grigg
2014 - 2017 GA Environmental Protection Division and King America Finishing
GA Environmental Protection Division and King America Finishing
Supplemental Environmental Project: Assessment of Hydrological, Biological and Environmental Components of the Lower Ogeechee River Ecosystem
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): D. Aubrey, R. Cohen, J. Lewis, V. Sittaramane, J. Kelly, J. Van Stan, J. Reichard, W. Tu, J. Underwood [lead PI], and S. Vives [lead PI]
2016 Georgia Southern University College of Science and Mathematics Award of Excellence in Teaching
Georgia Southern University
2016 Georgia Southern University Office of the Provost
Georgia Southern University
Faculty Service Award for Professional Travel
2015 - 2016 Georgia Environmental Protection Division
Columbia County Board of Commissioners and the Phinizy Center for Water Science
Regional Water Plan Seed Grant: Filling needed water quantity and quality gaps for the Savannah River Basin to facilitate implementation of future management practices
2015 - 2016 Georgia Southern University Center for Sustainability
Georgia Southern University
Sustainability Fee Project: Bio-Assessment and Monitoring at Beautiful Eagle Creek
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): J. Roberts, and M. Abid Shaikh
2013 - 2014 Interdisciplinary Pilot Funds Grant
Georgia Southern University College of Science and Mathematics
Colleague(s): Abid Shaikh
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2021 - Present Member, Faculty Governance Committee, COSM, GS
2021 - Present Member, First Destination Survey Working Group, GS
2021 - Present Member, General Education Core Curriculum, Mission/Vision subcommittee, GS
2021 - Present Member, SACSCOC Compliance Certification Team – Educational Requirements Committee, GS
2021 - Present Member, University D&I Hiring Committee Workforce, GS
2020 - Present Member, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee, GS
2020 - Present Member, Graduate Executive Council, COGS, GS
2020 - Present Member, President’s Diversity Advisory Council, GS
2020 - Present Member, University Research Council, GS
2019 - Present Member, COGS Bylaws Working Group, GS
2019 - Present Chair, Environmental Science MS Program Development Committee, COSM, GS
2018 - Present Member, Advisory Board, Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program, COSM, GS
2012 - Present Member, Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee, GS
2015 - 2020 Chair, Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee, GS
2017 - 2018 Chair, Landscape Ecologist Search Committee, GS
2011 - 2018 Member, Research Committee – College Office of Undergraduate Research (COUR), COSM, GS
2013 - 2017 Faculty Representative, Real STEM Team 2; i2STEMe, GS
2016 Panelist, Third Annual Assessment Symposium
2013 - 2015 Faculty Advisor, Phi Iota Alpha, GS
2011 - 2013 Member, SOAR, GS
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Honors and Awards

  • Recipient, NSF Minority Graduate Student Travel Award (2008-2009)
  • Recipient, Southern Illinois University, Department of Zoology Richard E. Blackwelder Award (2009)
  • Recipient, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) – Early Career Travel Award (2010)
  • Recipient, Georgia Southern University Faculty Development Committee – Professional Travel Award (2011)
  • Recipient, Georgia Southern University Office of the Provost – Faculty Service Award for Professional Travel (2012)
  • Recipient, Georgia Southern University Faculty Development Committee – Professional Travel Award (2012)
  • Recipient, Entomological Society of American Program Enhancement Funds Award (2012)
  • Recipient, Georgia Southern University Office of the Provost – Faculty Service Award for Professional Travel (2013)
  • Recipient, Georgia Southern University Office of the Provost – Faculty Service Award for Professional Travel (2016)
  • Recipient, Georgia Southern University College of Science and Mathematics Award of Excellence in Teaching (2016)
  • Recipient, Ogeechee/Canoochee Riverkeeper Award for Educational Partnership of the Year (2016)
  • Recipient, Georgia Southern University Faculty Development Committee – Professional Travel Award (2017)
  • Recipient, Georgia Southern University Research Seed Funding Award (2017-2018)
  • Recipient, Georgia Southern University Office of Research Undergraduate Student Assistant Award (2020)
  • Recipient, Society for Freshwater Science Inaugural Leadership Award (2021)
  • Recipient, Georgia Southern University Office of Research Undergraduate Student Assistant Award (2021)


  • Ecology of Southeastern US Rivers (BIOL 7610)
  • Graduate Research Methods (BIOL 7099)
  • Aquatic Ecology (BIOL 5542)
  • Foundations of Ecology (BIOL 7610)
  • Ecology (BIOL 5540)
  • Evolution and Ecology (BIOL 3133)
  • Honors Research Methods (BIOL 2320H)
  • Principles of Biology 2 Laboratory (BIOL 2108L)
  • Environmental Biology (BIOL 1230)
  • Inquiry in Natural Science (UHON 1133)


2003 - 2008 Ph.D. in Zoology, Southern Illinois University
2000 - 2003 M.S. in Fisheries, Louisiana State University
1997 - 2000 B.S. in Biological Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso

Contact Information

P.O. Box 8042
Statesboro, GA 30460
Phone: (912) 479-0053
Office: Bio Sci  3328


Publications (25)