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Agent-Based Simulation of Muscovy Duck Movements Using Observed Habitat Transition and Distance Frequencies
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
  • James A. Anderson, University of Oklahoma
  • Joni A. Downs, University of South Florida
  • Rebecca W. Loraamm, University of Oklahoma
  • Steven Reader, University of South Florida
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Agent based model,
  • Animal movement,
  • Home range analysis,
  • Muscovy duck
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

This paper presents an agent based model simulating animal tracking datasets for individual animals based on observed habitat use characteristics, movement behaviours and environmental context. The model is presented as an alternative simulation methodology for movement trajectories for animal agents, useful in home range, habitat use and animal interaction studies. The model was implemented in NetLogo 5.1.0 using observed behavioural data for the Muscovy duck, obtained in a previous study. Four test scenarios were completed to evaluate the fidelity of model results to behavioural patterns observed in the field. Results suggest the model framework illustrated in this paper provides an effective alternative to traditional animal movement simulation methods such as correlated random walks.

Citation / Publisher Attribution
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, v. 61, Part A, p. 49-55
Citation Information
James A. Anderson, Joni A. Downs, Rebecca W. Loraamm and Steven Reader. "Agent-Based Simulation of Muscovy Duck Movements Using Observed Habitat Transition and Distance Frequencies" Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Vol. 61 Iss. Part A (2017) p. 49 - 55
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