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The Genome Sequence of Gossypioides kirkii Illustrates a Descending Dysploidy in Plants
Frontiers in Plant Science
  • Joshua A. Udall, U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Evan Long, Cornell University
  • Thiruvarangan Ramaraj, National Center of Genome Resources
  • Justin L. Conover, Iowa State University
  • Daojun Yuan, Iowa State University
  • Corrinne E. Grover, Iowa State University
  • Lei Gong, Northeast Normal University
  • Mark A. Arick, II, Mississippi State University
  • Rick E. Masonbrink, Iowa State University
  • Daniel G. Peterson, Mississippi State University
  • Jonathan F. Wendel, Iowa State University
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One of the extraordinary aspects of plant genome evolution is variation in chromosome number, particularly that among closely related species. This is exemplified by the cotton genus (Gossypium) and its relatives, where most species and genera have a base chromosome number of 13. The two exceptions are sister genera that have n = 12 (the Hawaiian Kokia and the East African and Madagascan Gossypioides). We generated a high-quality genome sequence of Gossypioides kirkii (n = 12) using PacBio, Bionano, and Hi-C technologies, and compared this assembly to genome sequences of Kokia (n = 12) and Gossypium diploids (n = 13). Previous analysis demonstrated that the directionality of their reduced chromosome number was through large structural rearrangements. A series of structural rearrangements were identified comparing the de novo G. kirkii genome sequence to genome sequences of Gossypium, including chromosome fusions and inversions. Genome comparison between G. kirkii and Gossypium suggests that multiple steps are required to generate the extant structural differences.


This article is published as Udall JA, Long E, Ramaraj T, Conover JL, Yuan D, Grover CE, Gong L, Arick MA II, Masonbrink RE, Peterson DG and Wendel JF (2019) The Genome Sequence of Gossypioides kirkii Illustrates a Descending Dysploidy in Plants. Front. Plant Sci. 10:1541. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01541.

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Citation Information
Joshua A. Udall, Evan Long, Thiruvarangan Ramaraj, Justin L. Conover, et al.. "The Genome Sequence of Gossypioides kirkii Illustrates a Descending Dysploidy in Plants" Frontiers in Plant Science Vol. 10 (2019) p. 1541
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