Reducing mental illness stigma: What types of images are most effective?
Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine
Public stigma against mental illness is a barrier to treatment and recovery. Research into the design of anti-stigma messages has focused heavily on text; there is limited information on what types of images are most persuasive in eliciting anti-stigma outcomes. This is import- ant to study because the type of image used to depict an illness can influence how the ill- ness is perceived, which in turn can affect how people with the illness are treated. Through an online experiment with 162 American adults, this study investigated whether mental ill- ness narratives about depression illustrated with photographs are more effective than those illustrated with cartoons at reducing stigma. It was found that the illustrated narratives, whether with photo or cartoon, produced more anti-stigma effects than the text-only narra- tive (control). Further, the photographic narrative was more effective than the cartoon narra- tive in eliciting closeness to the story protagonist and willingness to donate to mental health services. The study’s findings indicate that images should be used in anti-stigma mes- sages on depression; further, regarding image type, photographs should be considered over cartoons as they are more effective in eliciting certain anti-stigma outcomes.
This study suggests that images have strong anti-stigma effects and that photographs are sometimes more persuasive than cartoons. These findings can inform best-practice guide- lines for designing anti-stigma messages, created and disseminated by organisations such as the United States’ National Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health America. Images in these messages should be selected carefully as they can influence how people with mental illness are perceived and treated.
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Citation Information
Jonathan Bruce Santo. "Reducing mental illness stigma: What types of images are most effective?" Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine (2021) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/jonathan_santo/67/