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Child Abuse Pocket Atlas Series Volume 3: Head Injuries
Child Abuse Pocket Atlas Series
  • Debra Esernio-Jenssen, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • lori D Frasier, MD, The University Of Utah
  • Kay Rauth-Farley, MD
  • Randell Alexander, MD, PhD
  • Angelo P Giardino, MD, PhD
  • Jonathan D Thackeray, MD
  • Robert Parish, JD
Publication/Presentation Date

Of the injuries inflicted on physically abused children, head injuries are, in many cases, among the most damaging and potentially lethal. First responders and medical practitioners encountering children with head injuries may need to take quick and decisive measures to ensure a child’s safety and, in the case of child death investigation, will need to recognize a variety of head injuries in order to identify or to rule out abusive trauma.

This third volume of a new and ongoing series on child abuse provides professionals in medicine and law enforcement with more than 600 full-color photos and accompanying case studies representing a variety of both abusive and unintentional head injuries in children, as well as photographic studies of conditions mimicking abusive head trauma. Compact and comprehensive, this new title is certain to be an invaluable resource for any professionals investigating head injuries in children.

Document Type
Citation Information

Frasier, LD, Rauth-Farley, K, Alexander, R, Giardino, AP, Esernio-Jenssen, D, Thackeray, JD, Parish R. (2016, Spring). Child Abuse Pocket Atlas Series Volume 3: Head Injuries 1st edition. STM Learning, Inc. St. Louis, MO.