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Inter Mirifica in Context: Mediation, Contact, and Love in Catholic Theology
Vatican II and Catholic Higher Education: Leading Forward (2022)
  • Jon P. Radwan
  • Eric Johnston, Seton Hall University
In context, Inter mirifica is 20th century Vatican II teaching on mediated communication.  Both modern communication theory and Inter mirifica treat media as important long-distance rhetorical tools wielding great power for social good or ill.  Humane use of communication technology matters, but Christianity is ancient, not modern, and its communication ethic grows from embodied rather than mediated contact patterns.  God communicates with humanity in the person of Jesus, divine love incarnate dwelling among us, visiting and speaking and healing and washing feet.  Jesus’ contact pattern culminates in the crucifixion, and upon His resurrection the Holy Spirit empowers disciples to preach and heal.  Later, but within living memory of their encounter, the Jesus movement began to develop a vibrant and inspired tradition of scripture, teaching, and art that sustains 1.1 billion Catholics today.  Physically co-present love, as performed by Jesus and seen more recently in Pope John Paul II’s world tour and Pope Francis’ “culture of encounter,” are the archetype setting a standard for all other forms of Christian communication.  Inter mirifica must be read alongside other Vatican II documents, especially Apostolicam Actuositatem (on lay apostolate) and Gaudium et Spes (on being Christian in the modern world), to understand media in relation to loving contact.  Mass communication technologies, however powerful and even when used well, can hinder or aid but never eclipse immediate love.   
  • Catholic media ethics,
  • Christian communication,
  • Contact archetype,
  • Caritas,
  • Vatican II Philosophy of Communication
Publication Date
October 14, 2022
Sacred Heart University
Citation Information
Jon P. Radwan and Eric Johnston. "Inter Mirifica in Context: Mediation, Contact, and Love in Catholic Theology" Vatican II and Catholic Higher Education: Leading Forward (2022)
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