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Guidebook on Best Practices for Airport Cybersecurity
  • Jon Haass, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott
  • Paul Hriljac, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott
  • Randall J Murphy, Grafton Technologies, Inc.
  • Michael Sukkarieh, Grafton Technologies, Inc.
Airport Cooperative Research Program, Report 140. Copyright 2015. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C. Abstract posted with permission of TRB. For complete paper, please link to
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  • airport,
  • airport security,
  • airport cybersecurity,
  • cybersecurity
Publication Date
May, 2015
Research sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration. National Transportation Board.
Citation Information
Jon Haass, Paul Hriljac, Randall J Murphy and Michael Sukkarieh. "Guidebook on Best Practices for Airport Cybersecurity" (2015)
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