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Situated in School Scripts: Contextual Early Childhood Teaching
Teaching and Teacher Education
  • Jolyn Blank, University of South Florida
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Early childhood teaching,
  • School contexts,
  • Teacher education
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

This article presents findings from a qualitative case study of a public Montessori magnet school in the United States. It focuses on two teachers' experiences, identifying how their teaching is situated in school scripts, that is; ways of speaking about teaching and learning within particular school micro-cultures. The focal teachers utilized contradicting school scripts for a variety of purposes and to incorporate diverse practices. This article describes the teachers' experiences of and responses to contradicting scripts. Findings suggest that teaching is contextualized in particular school micro-cultures and that school scripts present contradictions that have the potential to be both indoctrinating and transformative forces for teacher preparation and professional growth.

Citation / Publisher Attribution

Teaching and Teacher Education, v. 25, issue 2, p. 251-258

Citation Information
Jolyn Blank. "Situated in School Scripts: Contextual Early Childhood Teaching" Teaching and Teacher Education Vol. 25 Iss. 2 (2009) p. 251 - 258
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