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Variations in Cervical IL-10 and IL-8 Concentrations Throughout Gestation in Normal Pregnancies
American Journal Of Reproductive Immunology (New York, N.Y.: 1989)
  • Myriam A.J. Mondestin, MD
  • John C Smulian, MD, MPH, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Anthony M Vintzileos, MD
  • David Sorrentino, MD
  • Cande V Ananth, PhD, MPH
  • Surendra Sharma, PhD
  • Nazeeh Hanna, MD
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Mondestin-Sorrentino, M., Smulian, J., Vintzileos, A., Sorrentino, D., Ananth, C., Sharma, S., & Hanna, N. (2007). Variations in cervical IL-10 and IL-8 concentrations throughout gestation in normal pregnancies. American Journal Of Reproductive Immunology (New York, N.Y.: 1989), 57(6), 482-487.