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Evidence of Placental Abruption as a Chronic Process: Associations With Vaginal Bleeding Early in Pregnancy and Placental Lesions
European Journal Of Obstetrics, Gynecology, And Reproductive Biology
  • Cande V. Ananth, PhD, MPH
  • Yinka Oyelese, MD
  • Vinay Prasad, MD
  • Darios Getahun, MD, MPH
  • John C Smulian, MD, MPH, Lehigh Valley Health Network
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Citation Information

Ananth, C., Oyelese, Y., Prasad, V., Getahun, D., & Smulian, J. (2006). Evidence of placental abruption as a chronic process: associations with vaginal bleeding early in pregnancy and placental lesions. European Journal Of Obstetrics, Gynecology, And Reproductive Biology, 128(1-2), 15-21.