Hubrecht, Alphonse, The Martyrs of Tientsin. An appalling Massacre (21 June 1870).docx
The author, a missionary in China, reviews contemporary documents about the Tientsin Massacre. An historical essay on religious liberty in China serves as an introduction. Claude Chevrier's early life and ministry in China and Mongolia opens the presentation. A sketch of the Vincentian mission in Mongolia follows. The Holy Childhood association, a charitable work of the Holy See, was established in Tientsin, and the Daughters of Charity directed it; mistrust of it by the local population grew. Chevrier's mission work in and around Tientsin follows. He focused on a demonic presence among the people. Simultaneously, a reactionary party developed out of anger against foreigners. Kidnapping of children was widespread but linked to the mission. An explosion of anger led to the massacres of the missionaries and the Sisters (21 June 1870), and the destruction of their properties. Transcriptions of contemporary documents follow in an appendix.
- Tientsin,
- Tianjin,
- China missions,
- Congregation of the Mission,
- Daughters of Charity,
- Vincentians
Publication Date
Lazarist Press
Citation Information
John E Rybolt. Hubrecht, Alphonse, The Martyrs of Tientsin. An appalling Massacre (21 June 1870).docx. Beijing(1928) Available at: