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Concurrent Sessions - What Kind of Student Success Does Democracy Need from Higher Education?
New England Conference for Student Success
  • John D. Reiff, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • David S. Neely, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Campus Center Room 917 - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Event Website
Start Date
21-9-2012 1:30 PM
End Date
21-9-2012 2:30 PM

The presenters will share research showing how service-learning contributes to student success as defined by persistence to graduation. Then as a group, we will identify learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, and values) associated with another concept of student success, that of engaged citizenship in a democratic society. We will explore how service-learning can contribute to these outcomes and models for assessing the extent to which students achieve them. Through this session, administrators and faculty will be better able to envision service-learning as a strategy for increasing student success defined both as retention to graduation and as enhanced capacity for civic engagement.

Citation Information
John D. Reiff and David S. Neely. "Concurrent Sessions - What Kind of Student Success Does Democracy Need from Higher Education?" (2012)
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