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Entropy and Irreversibility in Noisy Non-Hamiltonian Systems
Physics Letters A (1986)
  • John D. Ramshaw, Portland State University
A previous dicussion of entropy and irreversibility in non-hamiltonian systems is extended to situations where noise is present, in which the generalized Liouville equation is replaced by a corresponding Fokker-Planck equation. The rate of change of entropy, Ṡ, is evaluated for an arbitrary choice of the volume element dV = γ(x)dx in the state space xH-theorem Ṡ ≥ 0 is obeyed only for the choice γ(x)=const×ϱ(x), where ϱ(x) is the statio solution of the Fokker-Planck equation. This choice seems natural and appropriate for general use, in contrast to the noise-free case where ϱ(x) is singular for systems with attractors. Systems may be classified as reversible or irreversible according to whether Ṡ.; does or does not tend to zero in the limit of zero noise.
Publication Date
August, 1986
Publisher Statement
At the time of publication John Ramshaw was affiliated with the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Citation Information
J. D. Ramshaw, "Entropy and Irreversibility in Noisy Non-Hamiltonian Systems," Phys. Lett. A 117, 172 (1986).