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Numerical Viscosities of Difference Schemes
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (1994)
  • John D. Ramshaw, Portland State University

Numerical viscosities of finite-difference schemes are usually obtained from truncation-error analyses based on Taylor series expansions. Here we observe that numerical viscosities can also be obtained very simply and directly from the growth factor ξ in a conventional Fourier stability analysis. A general formula is derived for the numerical viscosity in terms of the first and second derivatives of ξ with respect to the wavenumber k, evaluated at k = 0. A single Fourier analysis therefore suffices to determine both stability limits and numerical viscosities.

At the time of writing, John Ramshaw was affiliated with Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.

  • Finite differences -- Numerical analysis,
  • Fourier analysis,
  • Viscous flows -- Mathematical models
Publication Date
November, 1994
Publisher Statement
Copyright © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Citation Information
John D. Ramshaw. "Numerical Viscosities of Difference Schemes" Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering Vol. 10 Iss. 1 (1994)
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