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A Survey-Based Evaluation of Logistics and Transportation Research Journal Quality
Transportation Journal
  • Michael F. Gorman, University of Dayton
  • John J. Kanet, University of Dayton
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We administered a survey of authors who conduct transportation research and have recently published in transportation-related research journals. The purpose of the survey was to assess the authors’ perceptions of the quality of journals that publish transportation research. We used lists of journals that were included in previous surveys of logistics-focused researchers. We note that transportation-related journals cater to a wide audience of researcher disciplines and practitioners. Evaluations of logistics-related journals have been conducted in the past, but none have surveyed the full community of transportation researchers and journals. In this study 320 such researchers rated 21 journals. For this sample, Transportation Research B was found to be most highly regarded, followed closely by Transportation Science. Following these were Transportation Research A, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Naval Research Logistics, Transportation Research C, and Journal of Business Logistics.

Inclusive pages

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Penn State University Press
Peer Reviewed
Citation Information
Michael F. Gorman and John J. Kanet. "A Survey-Based Evaluation of Logistics and Transportation Research Journal Quality" Transportation Journal Vol. 50 Iss. 4 (2011)
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