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Do videos make a difference in an asynchronous online course?
Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (2022)
  • John C. Griffith, Ph.D., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide
  • Emily K. Faulconer, Ph.D., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide
This study attempted to determine if placing videos in an asynchronous course influenced the learning experience. Data were examined for an introductory college statistics course comparing results pre and post implementation of videos in support of discussions, assignments, homework, quizzes, and exams. Frequency of external tutoring was significantly reduced (40%) for the course sections that included embedded videos. This finding supports the idea that videos reduced the amount of friction or extraneous cognitive load experienced by students since using tutoring resources external to the course requires additional time and effort on the part of students and tutors. A significant majority of students agreed or strongly agreed that the videos helped them understand course concepts and how to perform course calculations. A significant majority of students also felt that course videos improved their knowledge of Microsoft Excel. However, there was not enough evidence found to support the idea that videos improved student grades or reduced tutoring time for those students who required it. Recommendations for future research includes repeating this study methodology accounting for gender, age, and ethnicity. Additionally, the methodology used in this study should be used in both traditional and non-traditional college settings.
  • STEM online learning,
  • videos,
  • tutoring,
  • scaffolding
Publication Date
Summer June 15, 2022
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Citation Information
John C. Griffith and Emily K. Faulconer. "Do videos make a difference in an asynchronous online course?" Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration Vol. 25 Iss. 2 (2022) p. 1 - 17
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