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Kinematics of Redundantly Actuated Closed Chains
Departmental Papers (MEAM)
  • Vijay Kumar, University of Pennsylvania
  • John F. Gardner, Pennsylvania State University - University Park
Document Type
Journal Article
Date of this Version
Suggested Citation:
Kumar, V. and J.F. Gardner. (1990). "Kinematics of Redundantly Actuated Closed Chains." IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 6(2)2. pp. 269 - 274.

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The instantaneous kinematics of a hybrid manipulation system, which combines the traditional serial chain geometry with parallelism in actuation, and the problem of coordination is discussed. The indeterminacy and singularities in the inverse kinematics and statics equations and measures of kinematic performance are analyzed. Finally, coordination algorithms that maintain an optimal force distribution between the actuators while avoiding or exploiting singularities are presented.

Citation Information
Vijay Kumar and John F. Gardner. "Kinematics of Redundantly Actuated Closed Chains" (1990)
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