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Contribution to Book
Effective Communication in Public Services in a Diverse Language and Cultural Landscape: A Challenge for Teaching and Training.
EDULEARN19 Proceedings. (2019)
  • John R Fisher
  • Halil Asllani, Kosovo Academy for Public Safety
Constantly changing global events impact local policing and emergency services personnel in their roles as guarantors of safety and security. This paper extends research originally completed in the United States and compares the results with findings from Kosovo police. Police in both Kosovo and Utah (in the United States) serve minority populations. In Utah, the population that was once homogeneous is now very diverse. The population in Kosovo is becoming more and more homogeneous, but with some unique challenges for police and other public safety agencies. In Utah, these population changes have occurred because the state has become a magnet for immigrants as well as refugees. As new country, Kosovo emerged with a minority population which is antagonistic toward the government and its representatives. Minorities have brought challenges for police agencies in terms of dealing with new languages and cultures, client relationships, criminal activities, and other safety considerations. Information for this paper was drawn from interviews of educators and emergency services personnel in Kosovo. Conclusions were drawn which apply to both Utah and Kosovo. Education of public safety personnel is vital in meeting the new challenges of a diverse and multi-cultural population.
  • ds: Multi -culturalism,
  • Population diversity,
  • Public safety education,
  • Effective Communication,
  • Kosovo
Publication Date
L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres
IATED Academy
Publisher Statement
The papers published in these proceedings reflect the views only of the authors. The
publisher cannot be held responsible for the validity or use of the information therein
Citation Information
Asllani, J. & Fisher, J. (2019). Effective Communication in Public Services in a Diverse Language and Cultural Landscape: A Challenge for Teaching and Training. In Chova, L.G., Martínez, A.L., & Torres, I.C., eds. EDULEARN19 Proceedings. Palma, Spain: IATED Academy, pp. 9386-9393.