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Unpublished Paper
Mass Media Coverage of Environmental Issues: Impact on Disaster Public Policy
  • John R Fisher
Reporting of environmental security concerns links either directly or indirectly to the development of environmental and disaster policies.  These policies have impact on larger security concerns in both developing and developed countries. This chapter will examine mass media coverage of environmental issues and the impact of the coverage on environmental security as well as disaster and security public policy.  In addition to giving a theoretical framework of mass media and policy making, the chapter will examine various disaster public policies and their relationship to environmental issues and their application to security practice, as well as to the media coverage of the environment particularly in disaster situations. This examination results in a better, more comprehensive view of complex relationships and global interdependencies and the impact of environmental issues and press coverage and their links to environmental security, national security and human security. 
  • Disaster Public Policy,
  • Environmental Coverage,
  • Climate Change,
  • Media Impact,
  • Social Media
Publication Date
March 8, 2016
Citation Information
Fisher, J.R. (2015). Mass Media Coverage of Environmental Issues: Impact on Disaster Public Policy. Unpublished paper. Orem, Utah: Utah Valley University.
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