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Drones, Guns, Race & Superheroines
  • John J. Donohue
First, a new report from "Reprieve," the British-based human rights charity, calculates the collateral damage from drone strikes. To discuss, Jennifer Gibson, human rights lawyer for Reprieve UK. 

Then, St. Louis natives tell the backstory of Ferguson, Missouri, why the racial tension between the African American community and police runs deep. To discuss, former Missouri state senator and New School professor of politics and advocacy, Jeffrey Smith and writer of, Keith Bernard who wrote, "The Police Harassment I've Faced Has Left Me With Psychic Wounds" for

Next, new research contradicts 1997 science claiming that as more law abiding citizens carry guns, crime goes down. To discuss, the researcher, John J. Donohue, professor, Stanford Law School. 

And finally, webcomic "Strong Female Protagonist" after a strong Kickstarter turnout is not a graphic novel. To discuss, the creators, Molly Ostertag and Brennan Lee Mulligan.
Publication Date
December 3, 2014
Citation Information
John J. Donohue. "Drones, Guns, Race & Superheroines" (2014)
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