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Lawyering to Make a Difference: Ethics and Leadership for a Sustainable Society
Wake Forest Journal of Business & Intellectual Property Law (2022)
  • John C. Dernbach
  • Irma Russell
  • Matthew Bogoshian, University of California, Davis
Virtually all lawyers can work to address climate change and help build a sustainable society in their existing jobs. The foundations are an understanding of sustainable development, a solid grounding in rules governing a lawyer’s legal and ethical responsibilities, and a willingness to learn and practice systems leadership skills—each of which is discussed in this Article. Changing legal practice to combat climate change takes dedication, perseverance, tact, hard work, and patience. But it can be done. And it needs to be done—by as many lawyers as possible.
This Article provides an introduction to concepts addressed in greater detail in Sustainability Essentials: A Leadership Guide for Lawyers (John C. Dernbach, Matthew Bogoshian, and Irma Russell, American Bar Association Press, 2022).
  • law,
  • legal profession,
  • legal ethics,
  • lawyer,
  • attorney,
  • climate change,
  • sustainable development,
  • sustainability,
  • environmental law,
  • energy law,
  • leadership
Publication Date
Citation Information
John C. Dernbach, Irma Russell and Matthew Bogoshian. "Lawyering to Make a Difference: Ethics and Leadership for a Sustainable Society" Wake Forest Journal of Business & Intellectual Property Law Vol. 23 Iss. 1 (2022) p. 19
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