This report presents a feasibility study into an East Asia Summit (EAS) Regional Facility for Education Quality Assessment (RFEQA).The project was developed partly in response tomajor findings of the 2008 study Harnessing Educational Cooperation in the EAS for Regional Competitiveness and Community Building (‘the Harnessing Report’) which noted that 'One potential issue for a number of EAS countries is that a number of the international student achievement studies are focused on secondary education. For developing countries in particular, the higher priority is likely to be student achievement in primary education as secondary participation rates are relatively low...'
This report examines the feasibility of RFEQA for the developing countries in the region which are members of both the EAS and ASEAN namely Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. At the same time Timor-Leste has also been included in discussion as it is a developing country in the region. The rationale for this approach is that the demand for RFEQA is coming from the least developed countries of the EAS rather than the developed economies of countries such as Australia, the United States, Japan and Singapore.
Copyright © 2013 Australian Council for Educational Research
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