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About John Bissonette

I received a B.A. from the University of Vermont, a M.F.S. from Yale University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. I am a Certified Wildlife Biologist® and was appointed a Fellow of The Wildlife Society in 2004. I retired as Leader of the U.S. Geological Survey- Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in June 2012 and am a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Wildland Resources, College of Natural Resources, at Utah State University, Logan UT. I was a German American Academic Council Foundation distinguished lecturer at the University of Munich in 1998, a Senior Fulbright Scholar at the Technic University of Munich (Freising) in 2002, a Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Mercator Visiting Professor at Albert-Ludwigs-University (Freiburg) in 2005 and a Senior Fulbright Scholar at the University of Lisbon January-April 2012.. I have given invited seminars at the International Theriological Congress (Sydney), the University of Lisbon (Portugal), the Italian National Institute for Wildlife, the Australasian Wildlife Management Society (Darwin), the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, the Central Science Laboratory (York G.B.), and at the International Union of Game Biologists (Hannover, Germany). I have authored, co-authored, and edited 5 books related to landscape ecology theory and practice and road ecology as well as many peer reviewed papers. I was Associate Editor of the Desert Bighorn Sheep Council Proceedings, The Journal of Wildlife Management, the Western J. Applied Forestry, Coordinating Editor for the journal Landscape Ecology, and is a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Wildlife Research.. When not working or traveling, I ride my horse, Smarty Pants Too, in the mountains of Utah and my Harley on the back roads of the West.


Present Emeritus Faculty Member, Utah State University Wildland Resources

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • 2012 Senior Fulbright Scholar, Fulbright Inter-Country Program Cyprus
  • 2012 Senior Fulbright Scholar, University of Lisbon
  • USDI-U.S. Geological Survey Star Award, Multiple Years

Articles (1)

Peer Reviewed Articles (74)