Methods to Determine Risk of Phosphorus Loss from Farm Fields
Proceedings of the Integrated Crop Management Conference
Start Date
30-11-2000 12:00 AM
Movement of phosphorus (P) from farm fields to surface water can elevate P in water systems above critical levels for aquatic plant growth and thus enhance development of eutrophication (process of nutrient enrichment and seasonal deficient oxygen). Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for crops and all living organisms. It commonly controls vegetative production in fresh water bodies, and hence the potential for eutrophication. The sourcing of P from production fields (including P from manure and fertilizer) is now one focus area as being an important contributor of total P entering surface waters, and hence significantly contributing to water quality concerns.
Citation Information
John E. Sawyer. "Methods to Determine Risk of Phosphorus Loss from Farm Fields" (2000) Available at: