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Generation of α-acetolactone and the acetoxyl diradical •CH2COO• in the gas phase
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes (1997)
  • Detlef Schröder, Technical University of Berlin
  • Norman Goldberg, Cornell University
  • Waltraud Zummack, Technical University of Berlin
  • Helmut Schwarz, Technical University of Berlin
  • John C. Poutsma, Purdue University
  • Robert R. Squires, Purdue University
Publication Date
November 1, 1997
Citation Information
Detlef Schröder, Norman Goldberg, Waltraud Zummack, Helmut Schwarz, et al.. "Generation of α-acetolactone and the acetoxyl diradical •CH2COO• in the gas phase" International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes (1997) p. 71 - 82
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