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Becoming a Culturally Responsive Early Childhood Educator: A Tool to Support Reflection by Teachers Embarking on the Antibias Journey
Multicultural Perspectives (2009)
  • Dora W. Chen, University of New Hampshire - Main Campus
  • John Nimmo, University of New Hampshire - Main Campus
  • Heather Fraser, University of New Hampshire - Main Campus
As children begin to construct an understanding of human differences and similarities during their earliest years, early childhood teachers are challenged to be culturally responsive to the diversity of the children and families. Based on our review of the literature and other existing tools, this article discusses a framework for thinking about this work and proposes critical elements for teachers to re-examine their practice. The article describes a reflective tool structured to provoke thinking about attitudes, assumptions, and knowledge base regarding culturally responsive teaching.
  • Toleration -- Study and teaching (Early childhood) -- United States
Publication Date
June, 2009
Citation Information
Chen, D., Nimmo, J. & Fraser, H. (2009). Becoming a culturally responsive early childhood educator: A tool to support reflection by teachers embarking on the antibias journey. Multicultural Perspectives 11(2): 101-106.